This is a blog about two very special huskies; Cabela and Ravyn. Oh yea, and an old man. Once a month the three of us travel in our camper to new locations to explore. In this blog we will share some of places we’ve been, the ones we liked the best and which ones were the most pet friendly. Along with our travels we will include a periodic diary of every day life with Cabela and Ravyn. My goal with this site is to share what every day life is like with two huskies. There are lots of very good sites out there about huskies and pets in general so we will stay away from all the advice stuff and try to stick to how awesome life can be when you really allow a dog into your life.
We hope you enjoy your visit here and find a bit of our lives interesting. And maybe even find it in your heart to provide a dog with a warm, kind nurturing place to live. If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at: Cabela-Ravyn@punkhuskies,com. We will respond to all legitimate questions and comments.
Any use of the photos or content of this blog for any reason is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the owner of this blog.