
OK, i can shed some light on that  –   🎶 ‘“In the summertime … when the weather is hot …”  🎶  huskies shed a lot of their winter fur.   Big tufts of under fur start escaping their overheated bodies and after a while, when their old man does not brush them regularly, they start to look a little bit like punk rockers (and please!!, this is no offense to punk rockers so please don’t take any offense).  Cabela with her large white tufts of hair sticking out of her head – if i could have died them purple and green and with her sweet tenor vocal chords, she could have started her own punk band.  Ravyn could be a wicked guitarist if she put her mind to it.  I kept telling my brother they could get their own band together, so he said i should call them punk huskies and create a blog to share my experiences with them.  And so, “punkhuskies” was born!!!